sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011

Con Paradise

Con Paradise
23rd August 2011
Once again we all had completely different schedules. Some were working on gangway while I didn’t have work until 16.30. Everyone on gangway wasn’t due to finish until 13.00 but after two and a half hours they’d hit their target.
Sandra wanted to go to the shop where I’d bought my jumpsuit. In return I wanted to go to the market stall where Sandra had bought a couple of pairs of earrings. Hernan decided he wanted to come too and like always he took forever to get ready. Just as we got to security he realized he’d forgotten his sea pass card and had to run back down to the cabin to get it. Typical Hernan!
Walking along Las Ramblas there was plenty going on. There was a strange guy walking rapidly away from Las Ramblas talking to himself and shouting over his shoulder. All of a sudden, shoving through the crowds, two scruffy looking blokes in ragded clothes and dreadlocks, smelling like hell went running past. They were running after the man who’d been talking to himself. There were a few shouts and threats when they’d caught up with him. Something wasn’t quite right. Grabbing onto our bags as tight as we could we quickly walked on.
Dotted along Las Ramblas are con merchants playing a ball game. They bet wads of money with the general public. The game goes a little something like this: The con merchants have €20 in their hands and bet the public they can’t guess which empty match box the small ball is under. With the ball under one box they shift all three boxes around. It’s not long until a crowd gathers. If the member of the public picks the box with the ball underneath, he/she wins the €20. If he or she loses they have to pay the double the amount to the con merchant. We stood across the street watching as the crowd grew. Out of nowhere someone shouted “Azules” which means “Blues”. The sirens started wailing and two police motorbikes pulled up alongside the men. We all felt a bit uneasy, standing watching the unfolding events and quickly moved on.
Getting a little lost, we finally found the small backstreet where I’d previously bought my jumpsuit. Both Sandra and I ended up walking out the shop with two dresses and a very bored Hernan. We quickly popped into Carrefour but walked out empty handed. Time was up for me. I had to head back to the ship to start work. Hernan went off on his own and headed towards El Corte Ingles for more dulce de leche.
On the way back Sandra and I stopped off at the market stand where Sandra bought her earrings the week before. I was only going to buy a pair or two but couldn’t decide which earrings I wanted. In true female style, I bought four pairs. Two pairs were similar to Guadí’s style of architecture.
Sandra and I parted ways near the shuttle bus stop. This week I got back for work on time at 16.30. I was displaying endless amounts of photographs and condensing. Later on I was on table sale for two and a half hours.
A couple came up to me and were speaking to me about cameras. I told them as much as I could about each camera and they were set a Nikon we have for sale. They said they wanted to take the black Nikon. I asked for their Sea Pass Card but refused to give it to me saying they wanted to buy the camera from Fabio. Why? They couldn’t tell me. Apparently Fabio had told them to come up to the table sale and find a camera they want. After they were to go back down to the gallery and buy it from Fabio. Why? It didn’t make sense. The guests asked me if I minded. Well, of course I did. They asked “you don’t lose anything do you?” Erm… nah, course not. I advise people on cameras for them to give the commission to someone else. Or do I do it for the sake of my health? I keep forgetting!
I rang Sandra and told her what had happened. Not long after the couple went into the gallery looking for Fabio. Sandra said he wasn’t around and didn’t know what time he’d be back. It was a little white lie I guess. When she kept insisting on why they had to buy a camera from Fabio they reluctantly told her. Apparently, Fabio had offered them the camera of their choice, camera case and mini tripod for $240… which is the price of the camera alone. So they’d be getting about $40 worth for free. Sandra later told me when I was working in the gallery with her. I was seething!!! I couldn’t even look at Fabio I was so annoyed.
Later on I found out Lee had come on board to see everyone. Apparently Fabio and David tried calling me but I was so zonked that I hadn’t heard the phone ringing. Nowadays I’m so drained I can sleep through almost anything even though I’m usually a light sleeper! I couldn’t believe I’d missed seeing Lee. Hopefully I’ll get some time off during embarkation to nip over to Brilliance of the Seas to see him. I can’t wait!!!!

Photos from previous Barcelonas:

Barcelona, Spain

Formal Poses in Port!

Formal Poses - Hernan and Sandra

We're Free! Hernan and Sandra
Hernan and Sandra at Parc Guell

La Sagrada Familia from Parc Guell

Sandra and Hernan - On the way to Parc Guell
Ginger Bread House at Parc Guell

Parc Guell, Barceona, Spain

This Busker was as high as a kite!

Parc Guell

Parc Guell Architecture Park

Buskers Galore


Sandra and Hernan at the Plaza in Parc Guell

Sandra and Hernan

Blowing Bubbles

Kids Blowing Massive Bubbles


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