sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

Solarium Party!

Solarium Party

At short notice, Eve confirmed that she was being transferred tomorrow morning. For some reason, Steiner (Spa) do not give anyone being transferred much notice. In fact, they are usually told at 8pm, given roughly 12 hours notice to pack their bags.

For an excuse to have a party, we decided, to join the guests at the solarium for their party. It certainly made a nice change from Back Deck. Only this party, was a heck of a lot windier than expected...

In the morning, before disembarking, Eve was told she is now staying on the Mariner of the Seas! Her transfer had been cancelled. At least she gave us a good excuse to have a knees up!

Overly Plucked Metro Italians!

Sandra and Lou

Plucked and Waxed within an INCHE of their Lives!

Hernan and Eve

Slight Breeze

Me, Hernan and Eve

Sandra, Me Hernan and Eve at the Solarium Party

Hernan and Sandra

Doing a Monroe!

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