viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011


5th September 2011
Waking up I felt like hell. My face was stiff and it felt like I’d been in the ring with Mike Tyson. I was still down and upset about the night before. Putting on my make up for Lady Corsica, I tried to perk myself up by thinking positively. It didn’t help much. Looking in the mirror, I was ready to do. Lady Corsica with big puffy eyes. Brilliant.
Going onto gangway we had plenty of “Gia Fattos” from Italian guests and it was grating on us all. It was becoming a joke within the team. Counts were going up slowly. I had a smile plastered across my face but I wasn’t in the spirit. I couldn’t dance around, smudge etc. My mind was elsewhere. Where? I have no idea. Going in for a break, I sat speaking to Fabio (shooter). Going outside I was feeling a bit better so, we had a run around catching guests. One guy even picked me up and through me over his shoulder!
Gangway was over and it was the first time Lady Corsica hadn’t reached her target. That took me back down to another low. We’d been working hard to get the targets up without splitting the couples. Not splitting made everything so much harder. 

If you don’t reach the target or go over it, you have to make up the numbers elsewhere. I’d let the team down and someone else would have to make the counts up. Next gangway, instead of having a 500 target it’d be 650 which would take some serious work.
Once out the shower, I grabbed my stuff and headed out. I wanted to be alone for a bit. Going to the usual place where we use the internet in Corsica, I sat down updating the blog, surfing the net and checking for flights. I still don’t have my sign off date but, I want a rough idea as to how much it’ll burn a hole in my pocket.
Right now, I just wish I could get on a plane and fly away. Second contracts aren’t on my mind at the moment. The only thing that is on my mind is trying to finish my first with a minimal amount of fuss. Will I do another contract though? We’ll see.

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