sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011

Partying with The Frenchies

Partying with the Frenchies
2nd August 2011
Overall the day was pretty slow and there’s very little to tell. Jumping out the shower and into my pyjamas I was ready for a good night’s sleep. Stepping outside the cabin into the corridor for a quick smoke, Hernan came out. He was dressed to the nines and looking smart. “Let’s go” he told me. 

There was a party on Deck 11 in the Solarium. It’s the end of cruise party and the French guests would be there. They’d left a message for us to go up and party with them. 

Quickly running into my cabin I changed into my new jumpsuit I’d bought in Barcelona. Slapping on some mascara and slipping on my sandals, I was ready to go in five minutes flat.
Heading upstairs with my Hermanastro, it wasn’t long until we found the French guests, or Frenchies as we’ve been calling them. Their names are almost impossible to pronounce. Dancing around with the French, there were quite a few other member of crew there. Most were the production team who were partying until the party closed, then work would begin. They had to dismantle everything. In the meantime, they could enjoy a few drinks and boogie.

Let's rewind quickly. One night, six young adults came out from the dining room. Quickly stopping them, I asked if I could get their photo. One, Arnaud, replied "No, I want my photo with you". I wasn't going to turn down him down, especially in his smart attire!! Handing the camera over to one of the other Frenchies, William, took a photo of us on my Titanic background.

As the cruise progessed we saw more and more of the French guests, the Frenchies. They'd come over, say hello, play around in our studios, letting us get some crazy shots. On numerous occassions they'd invited Hernan and I to come to Dragon's Lair for a drink etc. Unfortunately, we couldn't. 

Someone even spotted a couple of the Frenchies on Back Deck, during a crew party! Back Deck is exclusively for crew members and guests can be fined or even disembarked if spotted. The person who spotted them, at first tried to get them to leave before giving up and enjoying the party with them in tow. Obviously, I can't say who the certain person was!
Back to this evening, as it was formal night, Hernan and I arrived late and only stayed for about an hour and a half. The next morning we'd have to be in the gallery to display at 07.00

At 03.30 the lights went on. Hugging the Frenchies (the guys were soaking wet from jumping in the swimming pool fully clothed) Hernan and I headed back down to the cabins. We sat around speaking to David who had just finished work in the lab (printing the formal photos we’d be displaying in a few hours.) It was a great night but we’d pay for it tomorrow when they alarm goes off!! Having said that, you’ve gotta take the bad with the good! Tonight had been a fantastic ending to a long day!

Hernan, Myself and The Frenchies
Hernan, Lou & The Frenchies

And then Everyone Jumped in!

Jumping in the Swimming Pool Fully Clothed


Me & Arnaud

At LSP: Lou, Arnaud and William (William's Photo)

No Rules Arnaud (William's Photo)

The Girls on LSP (William's Photo)

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