miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

Morning Rhodes!

Morning Rhodes!

13th April 2011

Morning all! 

It’s 08.45 here in Greece. My suitcase has been rammed shut (again) and we're ready to join the Mariner of the Sea, docked just down the road. Happy days!
This morning, I was standing out on the balcony of my hotel room (two guesses as to what I was doing) when it clicked that I’m in Greece. Maybe soon the penny will drop that I will be joining Mariner of the Seas, a massive cruise ship in a couple of hours?
From what I’ve seen of Greece so far, I’m not overly impressed with the place. Rhodes seems like a very poor island which is set up purely for tourists. The taxi driver told us the island was dead until another 2 weeks, which is when vast amounts of tourists visit. Then the place is be heaving!
Hernan has just called from the hotel lobby. He’s forgotten my room number - again. We’re heading out for breakfast before boarding the ship. I’d better run!
I’ll update again as soon as possible!

It’s now 10.05 here in Rhodes. We’re back at the hotel and just packing the last of our stuff before checking out of the hotel and getting a taxi to Rhode's port.
Now we are incredibly nervous yet excited, more than ever! No doubt Hernan will be taking photos as soon as we get to the ship. I’ll get some photos of our ship for you all and upload them as soon as I can.
I might not have an internet connection for a couple of days, but I’ll keep blogging and upload whenever I can. To everyone who hasn’t boarded their ship yet, good luck and have a safe journey.

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