miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

Best Sheets and Pervs

Bed Sheets and Pervs

20th April 2011
So today we are in Athens and from what I’ve seen so far, I’m still not impressed by Greece. Give me Italy any day!! Unfortunately I didn’t have time to get off the ship in Civitavecchia and yesterday was a sea day. The men here in Greece are pretty perverted. Just walking out of the terminal I had a 50-odd year old man following me up the road, blowing me kisses, calling me and “good morning lady!” F*** Off!
Yesterday was pretty hard going. For some reason I was just on a downer and missed everyone. Yeah, I will admit it, I was homesick! I haven’t spoken to my parents since Miami and even though I don’t see them that often I always, always talk to them every day or every other day. A week and a half without speaking to them has been hard. Hopefully they’ll be online more when they are back in Uruguay. 

If I was given half the chance I’d have packed my bags and put on my Green Army uniform. I don’t miss the work, not one little bit. I miss the people and the banter: Gommy Bear, Beaumont, Peasant Pudding, Mick, Julie, Granddad etc. Hernan mentioned Miami and I remembered back to our training week and I miss you guys too. I hadn’t heard from Becks or Pavlo. Not hearing from Becks is worrying me.
Last night was formal night and there were a couple of really rude guests. One told me where to shoot from and sneered “you’re supposed to be a photographer!” My shooting angle was fine, but I did as he wanted but I felt so small and useless it was untrue! I spoke to Lee who was just telling me to let it go over my head. Lee's been giving me as much advice as possible but it didn’t do much good. I could quite easily have hidden under the bed covers and cried like a baby! 

Later I was shooting on the Titanic backdrop and I got all my cropping wrong. Most were way too tight. Does anyone else find it worrying that we are in the middle of the Mediterranean and using a scene from a sunken ship as a backdrop? Good job people aren’t superstitious!
After work I dragged myself up to the crew bar for a few drinks. Lee and Stuart were there. Lee told me that as I’m new and it’s only my first week, no one is expecting anything from me. It’s just a period for me to learn as much as possible. Once more experienced then the expectations will start. I know I'm having a bad day, the managers may not have big expectations of me, but I do. Seeing crap images, knowing I can do much better is frustrating!
Both Stuart and Lee cheered me up no end!! It’s going to be sad when Lee goes although he says his replacement is a real laugh. Still, it won’t be the same. Tonight, Lee and Stu introduced me to “toast”. At 04.00 we left the crew bar and headed to the “zoo” (crew mess) to get toast. Toast and loads of butter after a few drinks to soak up any booze. It clears all hangovers. The only thing was, we weren’t pissed but what the hell? Lee went on a rampage around the zoo and found a pepperoni pizza! It was a bloody laugh. Four hours later we have to get up for training! Not nice!
Anyway, back to today. I’m in an Irish pub in Athens – Stuart recommended Murphy's for its free wifi. The music’s pretty good too. Bonus. I logged onto Facebook and Becks has finally left me a post on my wall. Pavlo has gotten in touch. Another message came through from Andy "Pudding" (not Andie from Image). All three messages have little “private” jokes lol. Just hearing from them with the little jokes just makes my day! I was smiling like a Cheshire cat. Honestly, thank you, you’ve all made my day!!!!! Miss you guys!  
We’ve done our training and I have until 17.30 off. Hernan is on gangway dressed up as a Greek God. An Argentinian Greek God… interesting! He looks a bit of a prat wrapped up in a bed sheet.
Tonight, at midnight, there’s a toga party hosted by the Spa Girls. The bed sheets will be coming out. I can imagine a few accidents happening where a few bed sheet/togas slip off! I’m tempted to wear the most outrageous pair of undies I have just in case I expose myself. It’s a shame I don’t have any Bridget Jones’ belly smackers!!
The next time I’ll be online is in Rhodes. Stuart said there’s a good internet place we can go to. Fingers crossed I’m not working all day. In Turkey the internet connection is poor, so I’ll have to wait until Rhodes.
I’d better get on and do some ImageU work before my battery dies. Take care everyone!!! xx

Photos from Spa's Toga Party

Stu, Luci, Fede and Me
Natasha, Luci, Fede, Stu & Lou
Luci's Montage of Spa's Toga Party

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