domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Meet The Team

Just so you can all match the names to the faces, here's a group photo from our last day of training.

Back (left to right) - Agnesa (Russia), Laura (England), James (South Africa), Becks (England), Chris (England), Sarah (England), Federico "Fede" (Spain), Hernan (Argentina), Anastasiia (Ukraine), Pavlo "my husband/ Ukrainian Borat"(Ukraine), Anna (Ukraine), Lenuied "Lenny" (Belarus), Holly (Engalnd), Vova (Ukraine), Sasha (Slovinia), Maksim (Belarus), Mariia (Ukraine), Einstein (Ukraine), Margarita, Alexander (Ukraine), Alexander, Aliexander and Durell (Romania - Trainer)

Front (left to right) - Gareth (Austrailia), Me (England/Spain), David (England), Chet (England), Pavlo "2.0" (Ukraine), Viktor (Belarus), Dom (England), Aleh (Ukraine), Gudrun (Germany), Alan (South Africa - Trainer).


Sasha, Holly, Gudrun and Alexander left today to join their cruise ships. Chet, Gareth, Hernan and I leave tomorrow. Becks will find out which cruise ship she'll be joining tomorrow. Fingers crossed she gets a good one! For the guys who are leaving tomorrow; have a safe journey, take care of yourselves, have a great time and hopefully see you somewhere in 6 months or so!

None of us have heard from the others who have already left Miami to join ship. Pavlo, Laura, Sarah, James and Dom must have arrived at their ship already (especially the first three). Hopefully they've got to their destinations okay. If you're reading this, could you let one of us know (via Facebook or Skype) that you've arrived okay.

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