sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011

Selling Sea Day

Selling Sea Day
17th October 2011
We’re into our second sea day. A casual sea day. The rough, choppy sea sent the ship rocking side to side and bobbing up and down. One of the worst things about having a second sea day, is that some poor bugger has to display images, very early in the morning after only a couple of hours sleep. Today, that was me, Sandra, Alex and Paco.
Plugging my headphones into my phone I kept my head down, listening to my music and got on with the job in hand, trying desperate to keep my eye lids open. On a couple of occasions I was snapped awake by my head bobbing forward. I hadn’t even noticed I’d dozed off. I switch off like a light.
I didn’t have time to stop, as I was in the gallery for the majority of the morning and afternoon. During the evening, I only had a short stint before finishing at 7pm. Having said that, it was a good selling day for me. In a way I wish I’d been more awake but, oh well! In the end I sold four family packages, one 15 package, 2 GTPs – one with prints, and I lost count on how many folios and albums.
After work I was originally going to do the laundry but thought I’d spend my time laying back, relaxing. Getting in my pyjamas I sat in bed typing up my blog entries while watching The Social Network. It’s been on so many times but it was the first change I had to sit down and watch a film from start to finish.
David's laugh came booming from inside his cabin, being nosey, I went to investigate. Both Hernan and David were watching Bruno, and as everything, it was funnier watching with David and hearing his infectious laugh.
By the time Sandra had finished work when the gallery closed, I was fast asleep. I’d been planning on going up to Back Deck with her for a drink… however, sleep had got the better of me – again.

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