martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

Happy Birthday Ani!!

Happy Birthday Ani!!

28th April 2012

It's Ani's 30th birthday today and Csaba arranged a little surprise for her in the lab. after work.

Going into the Mess, I found Ani talking to Celestina. I told Ani everyone was heading to the Crew Bar for a couple of drinks and that the team was waiting for her. Quickly finishing her off, I asked if she could come with me to the lab as I'd forgotten my Crew ID.

Ani was first in the lab with me following half a step behind. Steph sat at the computer and glanced up at us. "Ani! Aren't you going to the Crew Bar? Everyone is waiting". With that, the door to the dark room flew open and out poured the photo team, cheering and singing happy birthday. The look on Ani's face was priceless!

Along with the photographers came the birthday cake Csaba had managed to get his hands on. Someone else was carrying a little present for her.

Huddling round the cake and Ani, we all gathered together for a group photo. The last group photo was by far the best. Carolee, being her usual self, grabbed a chunck of the cake as splattered it in Ani's face, well, her right eye! Those of us short people, kneeling on the floor, turned around to see what the commotion above our heads was about... Ani had been well and truly creamed!!

Stuffing our faces and throwing down cans of soft drinks, we all left the lab to get changed before heading to the Crew Bar.... and here are some of the photos...

ANI... HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

L-R: Ani, Lou, Steph, Patry Guy, Toni and Celestina
Carolee, Csaba, Ani, Inna and Toni
Ani & Carolee
Carolee & Mark
Cabin Mates
Ani & Daniel
Ani & Steph
Ani & Celestina :-)
Inna and Cintia


Me and Los Uruguayos

Carolee, Inna and Ani



Steph, Carolee and Inna


Top L-R: Carolee, Steph and Mark
Bottom: Me, Ani, Inna and Toni


Inna and Carolee

Carolee and Ani

Toni and Mark

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