lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

AMP Energy

AMP Energy

14th April 2012

What do you do, when you are shattered and failing miserably to stay awake, just before formal night begins? Some say drink coffee, others Red Bull but Monster is what I unwillingly choose, if desperate measures must be taken.

Unfortunately, the crew shop had completely ran out of Monster. Of course, it was a good thing for me in the long run. However, someone suggested trying a new drink called Amp Energy. The name itself made me smile (AMP for us photogs means Assistant Manager of Production). Picking it up, I paid and walked to my cabin to get changed.

Never in my life have I read the back of a drink can, looking for instructions on how to drink it. I cracked open the can, downed half, before jumping in the shower and the rest just before leaving my cabin.

In the atrium Carolee was setting up her pentab. She’s shooting the Mickey Statue tonight while I smudge and pose the guests. It’s strange the Hotel Director and Csaba want us to be less Royal Caribbean (say “Please” and “thank you” at the end of everything and take more time talking to them - bullshit, in other words) . When I mentioned to Csaba that he’d put the two Royal Caribbeans together his eyes widened but with a knowing smile on his face. I think he wants to see what we can do together.

Looking at me, Carolee suspiciously demanded “what’s wrong with you?”. I laughed. Almost instantly she knew I’d been drinking energy drinks again. All she could say was “Oh Jesus” before shaking her head and looking the other way.

It wasn’t long until the Amp Energy really kicked in. Asking me how much I’d drink, I said the can, in one go. Then I found out from Carolee that if you read on the back of the can, you’re supposed only drink half a can at a time. Using one half as a top up. I, on the other hand, had overdosed on energy drink.

Soon my legs were moving in the opposite direction to what I’d wanted. My words were apparently coming out slurred, although to me they were just a mad rush. Csaba came over to the Mickey Statue and soon saw the obvious surge of energy I had. Carolee told him I’d been on the energy drinks again which just so happened to amuse Csaba.

When the busy period came, Mike took over, posing the guests. Csaba and I had to keep the crowds back as everyone was surging into the dining room. One of the dining room entrances is situated just behind the Mickey Statue, so at 17.30 hoards of people line up outside for 15 minutes, before the place opens. As soon as the doors open, everyone starts scrambling forward to get inside. Honestly, you’d think the guests hadn’t seen food for a week or more, the way they behave!!

Anyway, in the frenzie, guests started to hand me things to hold on to, while having their photo taken – bags, litre glasses and even a walking stick! While running and skipping around like a fool, high on Amp Engery, holding back the crowd and holding on to piles of guests belongings, I was getting plenty of laughs from the guests. Carolee was doing her part in winding the crowd up a bit by saying I’m crazy and have a screw lose.

A couple of times I resorted to hiding behind the Mickey Statue while Carolee took a portrait and signalling to guests to stay back. A couple of people didn’t listen and gave us abrupt statements “We are going to dinner!” -  Really? I wondered why you’d go into the dining room at this time of evening…

For the last session, I was in the lab printing. I am now the lab bitch. Before though, I had to run into the crew shop, not for more energy drinks but for a crate of water. I desperately needed to calm down or else I’d be wake until the small hours of the morning. Csaba and Mike were still poking fun and laughing about it all. I don’t blame them. Turns out Carolee even took some sneaky photos of me while I was acting the prat. There was only one photo that I know she took – I posed on the stairs with a lady’s walking stick in my hand as if I was in some kind of Cabaret show.

By the end of the night, everyone was laughing at the stories Carolee was telling. My eyes, according to a few photographers, were wide open, deer to headlights kind and my pupils abnormally large, making me appear high.

AMP Energy far worse/more effective than Monster, depending on which way you look at it. Lying in bed, my legs were switching and I still felt full of energy, as if I could run a marathon and beat Paula Radcliffe.

During dinner we found out that Maryna is being transferred to Disney Wonder in Port Canaveral. No one had any idea as to who would be coming to replace her, although I had heard it was a new hire from either Serbia or Croatia. Another new hire wasn’t a thought any of us relished. Our fingers were crossed… actually, everything we could cross was crossed in the hope of getting someone with experience and a willingness to actually work rather than stagger behind waiting for us to pick up the pieces.


Never Drink AMP Engery!

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