viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

Surprise, Dave

Surprise, Dave!

22nd March 2012

It’s another day at sea and as usual, we had our weekly cabin inspection. As usual, my new cabin passed. In the meantime, I sat out on Deck 5 forward, in the strong winds talking to my Mom and Dad before shooting Princess Minnie outside the Walt Disney Theatre.

As it’s a sea day we’re having Semi-Formal night which is basically another formal night. Unfortunately, I missed my target by about 50 shots. I was shooting the Mickey Statues and Stairs. Realistically, I need someone posing the people for me while I shoot. The guests are situated too far away from me to hear or understand me. So, putting down and picking the camera up to go over and pose them takes time. Secondly, as soon as the dining room doors open, people start herding in, meaning I either have to wait for them to pass or if Dave’s around, he’ll hold back the traffic for a couple of seconds, while I take a photo or two.

Going up for dinner, we had a surprise for Dave. He’ll be leaving on Saturday and transferring to the Wonder. After 25 years of working for Image he is ready to retire, but before that he wants to take his wife to Alaska. I think that’s the only place he hasn’t been to in all his years working for Image.

Once everyone was sitting down, waiting for pizza, most of us knew what was going to happen. Dave had no idea.  Rama came over “Sorry, we’re going to have to move. They want to clean the floors here”.

Everyone got up and walked behind a screen to a large table, all set up for us. As soon as Dave came around everyone burst into cheers. Dave’s face was a picture, he couldn’t believe it. He honestly thought we were pulling his leg and that the table was set up for the officers or captain.

Before tucking in, we had a group photo taken, Ressi style of course. I haven’t seen it yet, but when I get my hands on a copy, I’ll upload it. During dinner we were all laughing and joking about previous events, funny things that Dave and Rama have said and done in the past.

Carolee topped it off though with her impressions of us shooting. Mark always looks like he’s doing lunges while shooting. Inna has a bow and arrow style of shooting and Cinta just looks damn frustrated every time she’s taking photos of characters. Her impressions had us crying with laughter.

Even though it was a chilled event for a send-off party, it was a good one. It was a great way to end the evening and an even better way to wave Dave off.

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