viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

Mission Waistcoat Accomplished

Mission Waistcoat Accomplished

24th March 2012

This morning on Morning Sale, we had masses of people coming to pick up their kiosk orders. The queue was massive and we couldn’t get through the people quick enough!

While taking down all the photos from the cruise, in order for us to start a new one, Rama was checking the figures. We’d already passed our target, it was just a question of by how much. The announcement soon came. We’d gone over our target by 5%. The more you go over target, the better your bonus will be.

Gathering my stuff together, I met Rama on the 1-95. Little did I know, Inna was coming too. To put it nicely, we aren’t the best of friends and only stand each other for work. Outside of work, we don’t even acknowledge each other’s existence. Getting in a cab, we were at the mall in about 10 minutes.

The BMs have been banging on for weeks about us newer (to Disney) people to buy ourselves waistcoats. It’s not part of the Disney Look to wear the blazer Image supplied us with. Quite frustrating, especially if you’re a new hire and already paying $200 for your uniform.

Ani had tried getting a waistcoat the week before, but couldn’t find one that’d fit her. Everyone else has managed to get one from JC Penny. Rama showed me the way to JC Penny and the men’s waistcoats.

Slipping on a small, it fit me okay; a little baggy around the shoulders and snug on the waist but it wasn’t too bad. Any bigger and it’d have been falling off me. Handing over $40, I had my uniform partially sorted. Rama and Inna left me to get some lunch so I had a wander around the store and picked up a few bits and pieces. There have been plenty of whispers about Inna and Rama. I'm not sure what to make of it all, but they sure know how to add fuel to the fire!

Most of my white shirts are short sleeved, I needed to get long sleeves to go with my uniform. Getting on the bus I needed to stop at Walmart to get some shopping for Carolee and myself, as well as pick up some white shirts, if possible.

Putting my headphones in, I drifted into my own little world. What seemed like a couple of minutes later, I was being prodded in the shoulder. “You are from Disney, yes? We are here.” Crap! I’d fallen asleep and completely missed Walmart. I didn’t have time to go back either. I had to return to the ship empty handed. What a mess!!

Later on during the evening, at work, I trained Ani how to shoot LSP. It was strange in a way. I remember Stu, Fede and Luci teaching me how to shoot LSP and now here I am, doing the same. Obviously, I’m nowhere near as good as they are, and we don’t have any type of props to use in the studio, but all the same. It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was the new hire, learning the ropes.

After work and the weekly meeting, we headed into the crew bar for a drink. Today was Csaba’s first day on the job as BM for Disney Magic. Sitting around, the crew bar is awful compared to Royal Caribbean’s. It’s a small, dinky, dark room with a couple of tiny portholes. No one was there, the place was dead.

Csaba, Carolee, Inna, Rama, Maryna, Ani, Kate and Daniel (a Peruvian bar tender) sat around, having a few drinks until the Officer’s came in at 2am to the turn all the lights on and remind us it was time to go. We sat around for another 30 minutes before calling it a night.

Good job it’s an hour back tonight!

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