martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

Great News

Great News
12th October 2011
Whenever the ship docks in Chania, Crete, Zoran and I are on gangway. Usually photographers on gangway in Chania is kept to a minimum as it’s also formal night. Zoran was shooting me, Crete Girl and Sato (Leandro) was shooting the rail. It was our last port of call and it can be a slow disappointing gangway. Zoran and I literally peg it up and down the gangway after the guests to spice things up a bit in a last attempt to get the counts up.
Arriving at 07.00 and the weather was awful. It was dark, cloudy and threatening to rain. Occasionally it’d start spitting, threatening to downpour. Zoran and I gave it our best shot and in nearly 2 hours had just under 200 shots.
Yesterday I’d arranged to meet the Germans from the vow renewal. I was surprised they’d bought one of the packages after their friend followed me around taking photos over my shoulder. They’d asked me let them transfer the vow renewal photos from my laptop to their computer. Can you guess the answer I gave them? “Erm… how about… no!” In the end, I was pushing for the second package which was worth $499. It was clear they weren’t going to go for it and rather than lose everything I had a go with the cheapest package. They took it. $199.95 plus two frames – okay so it wasn’t the best, but something was better than nothing. Plus, it was $24 for me. 

Reuben had dropped a hint previously that both Zoran and Leandro had sold the highest packages for $2,000. It was a “just to let you know” which Reuben says with an underlining message. That night I’d been so upset about it, sitting in the cabin crying to Sandra. So obviously, selling the smallest package was a big disappointment, but I was desperately trying to focus on the bright side of things. It wouldn’t be long until I’d be leaving.
Today, in the end the German couple arrived 30 minutes late to meet me because they’d been busy. Handing over their prints and frames, I shook their hands and watched them walk away. Relief!
Formal night was incredibly slow. At the end of the night Reuben called me into the office and told me he had a present for me. There was a cheeky smile spread across his face so I was expecting some kind of joke or comment. My leaving present was good news. In fact, it was great news! Camila is being transferred to another ship and would be disembarking in Civitavecchia. 

When Reuben said “he can’t do anymore” he’d just sent off an email requesting Camila to be transferred. I’d gotten the completely wrong end of the stick. Either way, I kept my mouth shut as Reuben wanted to quietly inform people she was leaving. 

There was one person who I couldn’t help but tell, knowing she’d keep her lips sealed: Sandra. Cor blimey, did she let out a cheer! Next came the bear hug and soon we were hugging each other jumping up and down for joy in our tiny cabin! The others looked on bewildered… until they were informed by Rueben. After, they had their own form of celebrations... a good drink!

The Ghost of the Crete Girl

Our Favourite Family - Repeat Cruisers

Very Slow Gangway

Leandro Strikes a Pose

Such Classy Ladies!
Prashant from Security

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