jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

Gangway Madness in Naples

Gangway Madness in Naples
15th October 2011
The team seemed relieved for possibly a number of different reasons. It was everyone’s last trip to Naples and David seemed more hyped up than usual as it was his final cruise. Decked out in the Italian chef costume he was bouncing all over the place, making the guests laugh and doing a great job smudging. I was shooting David and it was a pleasure to do so! Working with David and Zoran on the gangway is always a joy as you know you’re going to have a laugh. That’s basically what gangway is all about – having a laugh.
Thirty minutes after David and I had started, Camilo came out from the ship dressed as the sailor and boy, did he feel stupid. We tried to explain that he was only playing a character, we all do it and to just have a laugh. He tried his best but had a hard time lighting up to it all. 

Sanela was shooting him becoming frustrated because he wasn’t smudging enough. Camilo wasn’t used to smudging; let along smudging in costume so he needed more time, a bit of help and to be pointed in the right direction. David and I were trying to help. One thing that Ivan did pick up on were our little phrases. 

Seeing a couple coming over, Ivan staggered over to them, throwing his arms open slurring “get your picture with the drunken sailor”. It worked! They stopped, laughed and had their photo taken. I think he was finally getting the idea of what to do: Play up and be a sailor. 

One thing Camilo couldn’t do, which most people naturally find hard, is to just grab the guests. It was always something I found almost inhumane. Working with Luci on gangway, you had to just drag the guests in or risk a verbal arse kicking. With time and practise you simply become immune to it.
While on gangway we had a series of empty gaps in between mad rushes of guests. During the quiet times we’d all be pratting around, taking photos of each other. David and I were play fighting and poking each other, running all over the place. Even the crew sign-ons waiting to embark were laughing at our antics. Especially David’s!
A huge group of Koreans came off the ship. The Japanese and Koreans hate, loath having their photos taken. They act as if our cameras will steal their souls… they’ll go running in all directions, hiding their faces as if they were celebrities fighting off the paparazzi. 

David and I decided to have a giggle as he jumped straight into the middle of them all! He got pushed away by some. He grabbed a lady in for her photo and got the strangest reaction. She gave David a big cuddle. Next the strangest thing occured, the lady, getting on his tip toes, brushed her face against David’s a couple of times. It was like watching a cat rub it’s face up against something. Quickly taking a photo, I captured the lady rubbing her face against David’s! The best bit was David’s facial expression, visually screaming “WHAT THE HELL!?” As soon as she walked away we both burst out laughing, our knees buckling. Tears were threatening to roll down our faces. Neither of us have ever, ever seen anything like it!!
A couple of minutes later, another Korean lady was pulled in for a photo. She had his enormous beak cap on which stuck out at least 30cms from her face. Standing next to David the Korean women tried to do exactly the same as the previous: Rub her face up against David’s. The only thing standing between them was the great big, long yellow beak of a sun visor! She ended up stabbing David in the face. Again, we were rolling all over the place laughing!!
By the end of gangway David and I had 419 images while Camilo and Sanela had 165.
Sandra was up and getting ready. Quickly showering and changing David, Sandra, Camilo, Zoran and I headed out and into Naples. We headed over to Antonio’s pizza place where we found Dione. 
Sitting down we all got out our laptops and started catching up with the people at home. The owner of the restaurant, who was introduced to us by Fabio, seemed like he couldn’t wait to get rid of us. Finishing eating, we paid and left. Dione was going back to the ship along with David.
Zoran, Camilo, Sandra and I decided to go for a walk around. It was bloody freezing when the wind caught you. After looking in an electrical store, Zoran decided he was going to go back to the ship to sleep for a bit. Sandra stopped off in a shoe shop and walked out wearing a new pair of ballerina like shoes.
Carrying on up the road we walked aimlessly and came across some amazing sights. Grand, historical buildings and churches. Cobbled stone streets. One of our best finds was a long, narrow back street selling Christmas goods – in early October! The market and shops sold everything from Venetian masks, chili souvenirs, religious statuettes and model buildings and scenery for nativity displays. I had to stop and buy a small Venetian mask – it’ll probably end up hanging on the Christmas tree this year!
An hour later and we were back on the ship. Camilo had to go to work. Sandra and I had two hours off which we put to very good use: Sleep! When I woke up, one side of my face was like a balloon. It felt like I’d been in the boxing ring with Mike Tyson! My wisdom tooth obviously thought it’d be a good time to start pushing through. Great!
The rest of the night was spent in the gallery. Overall, it was a great day and we have plenty of photos between us to prove it.

Bouncing All Over the Place

David the Italian Pizza Chef

Prashant and David

Leandro, David and Alex
David (Pizza Chef), Zoran (who came out to see how we were doing), Sanela (Shooting Sailor), Camilo (Drunken Sailor)

The Costumes - Italian Pizza Chef & Drunken Sailor

Sandra at a Little Italian Pasta Shop

Camilo and Sandra
V For Vendetta - TODAY!

Camilo, Zoran & Myself
YUM! Sandra's Treat

Looking and Feeling Shattered - Me, Sandra and Camilo

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