sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

Solarium Party!

Solarium Party

At short notice, Eve confirmed that she was being transferred tomorrow morning. For some reason, Steiner (Spa) do not give anyone being transferred much notice. In fact, they are usually told at 8pm, given roughly 12 hours notice to pack their bags.

For an excuse to have a party, we decided, to join the guests at the solarium for their party. It certainly made a nice change from Back Deck. Only this party, was a heck of a lot windier than expected...

In the morning, before disembarking, Eve was told she is now staying on the Mariner of the Seas! Her transfer had been cancelled. At least she gave us a good excuse to have a knees up!

Overly Plucked Metro Italians!

Sandra and Lou

Plucked and Waxed within an INCHE of their Lives!

Hernan and Eve

Slight Breeze

Me, Hernan and Eve

Sandra, Me Hernan and Eve at the Solarium Party

Hernan and Sandra

Doing a Monroe!

Catching Up

Catching Up
22nd August 2011
Last night was formal night and we didn’t finish until about 01.30. By the time we’d sat down and had a drink it was 02.30. We were all shattered but needed to wind down after an extremely busy night. 

I’d been shooting ship using the tripod after buggering my wrist again while shooting embarkation. My studio had been unbelievably busy and I’d managed to break my record. Everyone’s first stint wasn’t great. I’d taken about 60 images. The second session was when things picked up and in one hour and a half I’d taken 229 images. The last session had been relatively quite as usual where I picked up a further 50 images. In total, it wasn’t bad and Jomar seemed impressed and told me to keep it up.
Back to the present. Today Sandra and I had to drag ourselves out of bed at 06.30 to be ready for gangway at 07.00. I was decked out in the Lady Corsica costume with Hernan shooting me. Sandra and Alex, the new guy, were free shooting while Sanela was shooting the rail. 

While getting ready there was a knock at the door. It was Alex. He wanted to know the free shooting settings. He didn’t seem to understand that there weren’t setting for free shooting. It just depended on the light available on gangway. The camera exposure and white balance would then be set accordingly.
We weren’t bothered about getting onto the gangway late as we know from past experiences that no one leaves the ship until just after eight. The captain doesn’t even give the all clear message until then. Checking with security the tours were now leaving at 09.00 rather than 08.00. 

We left the door open as Hernan kept popping in and out. At 07.00 on the dot there was another knock on the door. Alex was standing in the doorway. “OK ladies, let’s go, it’s 7 o’clock. Let’s go”. Hold on one minute… the new guy was telling us we had to go? We explained that no one would be out on gangway yet and we’d be coming in about 5 minutes. “No, the schedule says 7am”. Sandra told him to go outside and get his camera settings ready. Sanela later headed out with the rail.
Heading outside, security asked us what was the point in going out now. They had a point. 

I went over to check Sanela’s settings. Her test shots were underexposed and she still couldn’t read the histogram properly. She arrived 10 days after Sandra and the difference in their photography skills is immense. Quickly explaining the histogram to her, she opened her aperture a little more. Still Sanela needed to allow more light on to the sensor so going over the histogram again she changed her settings to get a faithful exposure. I don’t think she fully understands the histogram and how it’s used to measure light but she has a better idea than before. It was early in the morning, we were all tired so I wasn’t going to bash on about it. I’d explain it to her better and in more detail another time.
No one was around so we all took quick breakfast breaks except Alex because his schedule didn’t say he could have a break. He’s new… so hopefully he’ll realize soon that we can take quick breaks if the gangway/gallery is desserted.
Soon we were all back on the gangway and about 15 minutes later the guests started pouring out of the ship. We were all racking up counts and fast. Everyone accept Sanela. 

On a couple of occasions when the gangway went quite we’d run after the guests who had originally refused to have their photo taken but were still lingering. Most were more than happy to have their photo taken, some agreed once we’d caught them. It was all in good nature and the remaining people on gangway were left laughing at our charades. 

At one point I’d caught up to a group of six Italians. Three girls and three guys. Grabbing one by the arm, another grabbed me. All of a sudden, how it happened I don’t know but all four of us (all three guys and me) had all our arms linked and were doing the Can-Can on the gangway. This had quite a few people in stitches and Hernan was there to document it.
At 11 our work was over and Hernan and I had broken the Lady Corsica record. 720 images. Hernan wanted to get up to 750 but crew all aboard was at 15.00 and the guests coming out of the ship was slowing down.
Within no time at all Sandra and I were showered and ready to get off. Hernan and David soon emerged from their cabin and joined us. None of us had used the internet in a long time and the connection in Corsica tends to be pretty good. We headed to a bar near the port to grab something to eat, get online and catch up with what was going on outside our little bubble. Sandra managed to get through to Fede on Skype but for some reason my version of the programme was playing up and not letting me sign in. Having said that, I managed to chat to Becks on Facebook.
Becks told me another girl who works for Image on Celebrity Constellation had recently signed off for vacation. This girl also writes a blog about working for Image and life on ships. She’s given many of us other newbies a good insight as to what we were getting ourselves into. Not long after arriving home for vacation she received an email from Image saying they would not be offering her a second contract. Nothing had been said to her previously. Again, the same as Becks, there was no word of warning. How can you base any kind of future working for a company that can drop you like a ton of bricks within a snap of the fingers? I’m hoping to buy a property soon but it’s a worrying prospect if the money earned from working on ships (which will obviously be used to pay for the property/mortgage) can be taken away with no word of warning. I guess it’s a risk I’m going have to take.
Once my battery had died on me, I decided to return back to the ship. Sandra was still talking to Fede and Hernan had left. He was annoyed with himself for leaving his phone in Eve’s cabin. 

David had nearly had a punch up on Back Deck the previous night thanks to Regina getting seriously drunk and frisky with another crew member. He hadn’t slept the entire night. He’d retreated long ago for some well-deserved sleep. He wasn’t his usual self to say the least.
It was 14.00 and I was tucked up in my bottom bunk ready to get some shut eye before my evening shift. I was due in the gallery all night. So after a day of catching up on the internet it was finally time to catch up on my sleep. 

Photos from a previous Corsica gangway

Cabin Mates :-) Me and Sandra



The Rail DOES have its uses


Lady Corsica & Gina (Spa)

Lady Corsica & Eve (check out the socks and trainers haha)

Clint from Culinary

Clint is as Nutty as a Fruit Cake!

Buying the Beers

18th August 2011
This cruise is now drawing to a close and we’re at sea, cruising back to Civitavecchia. Most of the guests will be leaving tomorrow and the rest the following day in Genoa. I’ve got pretty much the same schedule as last week.
As soon as I entered the gallery Zoran wanted another bet. When it comes down to selling on the last day of the cruise I’m always up for a bet! Only thing was Zoran had had a head start but we were both spending roughly the same amount of hours in the gallery

Being on a ship there’s not a huge amount we can bet on so our betting currency is booze and cigarettes! Zoran was also on a roll and when he’s having one of those days he can sell a pair of roller skates to a limbless, homeless guy
Instead of just the loser buying the beers we decided to change it around a bit. As there were four of us, the three who sold the least had to buy a round of drinks. Whoever the winner was would have three free beers.
I started off well but come the evening I’d pretty much given up. I was charging on the till, racking up the dollars. I turned around to place a receipt on the stack (we have to pile up the receipts in a certain place in case any get lost) and someone signed me off my till and started charging. I lost my till. There were 6 people struggling to get onto one of the four tills. It became slightly ridiculous. 

Finally getting back on a till after about 20 minutes, I checked the sale stats. I was well behind Zoran and Fabio. Next up were a couple of guests complaining. Typical. I got the troublesome guests who couldn’t find their photos and hadn’t had their card swiped.
At the end of the night I was in last place. I’d completely lost the knack of selling and wasn’t on the ball. I’d still sold more than the others who weren’t betting but that wasn’t good enough for me. I didn’t like coming last so next week I’d have to up my game if we were going to be betting again. For this week… it looks like I’m buying the beers!
Later on we were all given our statistics. In total we’d sold $39,000 worth within the week’s cruise. Fabio sold the most in the cruise with approximately $8,700. Zoran was in second place with roughly $3,700 while I was in third place with $3,550. Camila who apparently had the “gift of the gab” and could sell anything was in 6th place with just under $3,000.

Yep, I was definitely getting the beers in tonight!

Indonesian Independence Day

Indonesian Independence Day
17th August 2011
Why do formal nights always fall on the same day as the big crew parties? Tonight is both formal night and the Indonesian Independence Party on Back Deck. It was going to be a long day!
First up Sandra and I were on gangway as Spanish Flamenco dancers. Zoran and Sandra were paired up and were working the Savoy Theatre before joining Fabio and myself on the gangway. 

As soon as Fabio and I stepped on the gangway we had problems from none other than La Bruja. To everyone else that’s the new M&R who made the last one seem reasonable! This M and R obviously didn’t care about revenue and only about the guests. She takes the whole “Guest is King” thing way too seriously.
Standing on the entrance of gangway we saw her watching us and it wasn’t long until she came swanning over with all her airs and graces telling us we couldn’t stand where we were. We had to stand at least 15 metres from the gangway entrance so we didn’t block the guests. Partially blocking the guests so they have to have photo taken is part of our job. 

The guests were slowly trickling out so I walked over to one, smudging “let’s get your picture” with my arms open. They took their picture. Again, she came over shouting "get back". The question I was getting asked was “do all English people take the rules too far?” Pretty much all the managers I’ve met and worked with in England take their jobs and rules way too seriously so yeah, maybe!
A few more guests came out so I walked over again. Jomar told us not to pay too much attention to La Bruja (the witch) and for us to get on with our job and get the counts. This was going too far though. She came over and stood in front of me telling the guests to go straight ahead and get on the shuttle bus. 

More guests were coming out now and there was a steady flow. As she stood in front of me she was repeating the same things like a broken record. Fabio watched on shaking his head. There was nothing we could do but keep the distance and do what she ordered. We’d probably lost about 70 shots by the time she’d finished waffling on about this, that and the other.
As time we on we were slowly and I mean slowly, racking up counts. Both her and the Italian Activities Manager were ushering people to go straight past us and get onto the bus. La Bruja came over a few more times to have a go moaning we weren’t keeping our distance. 

One young female guest came out and laughed that she didn’t want her picture taken. Joking about, I ran after her and grabbed onto her arm saying “oh yes you do!” She started laughing and turned to have her picture taken. As she turned around she nearly bashed into La Bruja. Here she was again to tell us what we can and cannot do. “You cannot touch the guests or grab them. The girl didn’t want to be touched by you. It’s something Brand Quality picked up on. You’re too forceful on the guests.” She rambled on. 

Going back to our jobs she came over and announced we were not allowed to smudge. We couldn’t tell the guests to have their photo taken but ask them. “Would you like to have your photo taken?” If they didn’t, we were to direct them towards the shuttle bus. So we couldn’t block the guests, touch them or smudge anyone in for a photo. Basically we had to get a 500 image count by simply asking people if they want their photo taken. Did she really think that was possible?
If she’d seen what Zoran and I were like in Chania, Crete she’d have thrown a fit!! We were chasing the guests up and down the gangway, running around like headless chickens. I was grabbing the guests that day. Grabbing them by the arms and turning them around towards the camera. It was all in good nature and the guests were laughing their heads off having a great time. They loved it. Some ran away and when we chased them a bit, they stopped and had their photo taken simply because we’d been daft enough to run after them. Guests then followed suit and everyone had a laugh. That’s what gangway is all about. The pictures from that particular Chania, sold. Not necessarily because the pictures were good, they remembered the laughs they’d had. As Image always says “We are here the capture memories”.
Sandra and Zoran soon came out to replace us. They’d had a break before coming onto gangway. We were going to rotate Flamenco dancers as the gangway was too small for two. The sun was beating down on us and the Flamenco dresses were so heavy. Neither Sandra or I sweat buckets but this day we were. Beads of sweat were trickling down our backs and foreheads. The air conditioning of the ship was welcomed with open arms. During the 15 minute break I quickly downed a can of Fanta in an attempt to wake up. Fabio downed two vodka and red bulls.
Heading out again and La Bruja had been over to Sandra and Zoran about the way they were working even though we’d passed on the message. She was getting on the guests nerves too shouting at them which way to go and then changing her mind, sending everyone in the opposite direction.
During one of my gangway breaks I laid down on Zoran’s bed and fell asleep. Fabio had to wake me up 10 minutes later. I was shattered, sweating like a pig and getting grazes on my shoulders and hips from the dress. 

Back outside and M&R finally left the gangway. As soon as she was out of sight we ran to the entrance of the gangway and did everything we weren’t supposed to do: smudging, grabbing and blocking the guests. In 30 minutes we had taken 120 images. Compare that to the 10 we took in 1 hour of asking the guests if they’d like their photo taken. The woman was out of her mind. 

By the end of gangway we had hit our target but boy, we worked our arses off in the last hour and a half to get those counts. You lose your dignity and respect for anyone and start throwing your arms around everyone, catching and pulling them in for a photo.
Back inside and Sandra and I took a quick shower before heading back off the ship. We needed to get to Carrefour which was a good 20 minutes away. As soon as we stepped outside the sun was beating down on us and the humidity was making everyone break out in a sticky sweat.
Today was also Zoran’s 28th birthday so we needed to get him a present and vodka, the original plan turned into the last resort present. Popping into Carrefour Sandra bought a Canon compact camera for €89. There’s no way we’d pay the prices the ships are asking for!! Tax or no tax. Getting a few bits and pieces we didn’t have long so we headed straight to Springfield. Looking around we were trying to judge Zoran’s clothing size. I found a cap for €3.95 down from 15.95€. In the end we walked out with a t-shirt, long shorts and a blue belt for Zoran. 

Back on the ship and we had just over an hour to sleep. We definitely needed our beauty sleep, especially if we wanted to go out afterwards. It’s a good job we don’t have windows in our cabins or else my phone would have gone flying through it when the alarm went off!!!
I was back shooting and situated on the Centrum on Deck 5. We managed to finish Ressi off early so Hernan and I quickly ran down to Back Deck for a cigarette and drink. I told him that some of the guys from Laundry had asked me to bring my camera. Turns out, he’d been asked by one of the party organizers if he’d take photos that night. Hernan asked me if I wanted to join him taking photos which I was more than happy to do. I was over excited about the prospect. It’d make a change taking photos of people who want to be photographed. We called the organizer to let him know that I was coming along and we’d split the money 50/50. One of us needed to be there at midnight – that would be the troublesome part.
At the end of the night, I quickly broke down my studio at 11.15 instead of 11.30. There was a parade going on so my shooting area was completely choca-blocked with guests. There was no way I’d be able to take anyone’s photo until after the parade and by then we’d be due to close. 

Hernan bought my studio case up and we rapidly chucked everything inside before taking it to the lift. We partially dismantled Sandra’s studio on Deck 5 too. It was 11.40 and I needed to leave. Hernan was going to cover me if any questions were asked.
Running to the lab Ritesh lent me his Nikon flash gun and some batteries. David lent me his Nikon D300 and lens so there was no Image equipment involved. Both Ritesh and David would be popping down later.
Arriving on Back Deck I phone the organizer who couldn’t hear a word I was saying over the noise. It wasn’t long until Edi spotted me and came walking over with a beer. 

All of a sudden music came blaring out from the speakers and all the Indonesians darted to the projector screen. The Indonesian flag appeared on the projector screen that they’d formed a semi-circle around. All saluting, they began singing their National Anthem. Although it may not seem like such a big thing, if you’d have been there you’d know exactly what I’m talking about. I didn’t know there was so many Indonesians on board – mainly because they work behind the scenes. Just seeing them all singing their National Anthem and the atmosphere surrounding them was immense. I know many British people who don’t even know their own National Anthem. The Indonesians were so patriotic and proud of their country!
After the anthem Edi called me over to where the other guys in Laundry were. Standing on a chair they were about to start the traditional Indonesian belly dance. It’s completely different to the sort of belly dancing we are used to simply because the girls weren’t half naked!! Most of their belly was covered. The belly dance went on for about 10 minutes. The traditional clothes are absolutely lovely. The girls looked great. 

Next came another traditional dance which was called something like the Kayak Dance. There were a couple of men in the middle with the two girls. Surrounding them were topless men with small white lines on their foreheads. They were all chanting and waving their hands in the air. If you haven’t seen it before, Google it. It’s worth watching.
As soon as the traditional side was over the live music started. Quite a few of the Indonesian crew members had formed bands. Each of the bands (I think there was about 4) took it in turns to do a few numbers - mainly well known rock songs. Some were better than others but it all just added to the great atmosphere. The atmosphere really was electric!!  98% of the Indonesians were up jumping, dancing around and having a blast.
While all this was going on Hernan had joined me and we were both running around getting photos of everyone. Hernan was jumping up on stage photographing the band (drummer, guitarist and lead singer). 

As soon as we told one person we were taking their photo about 10 or more others would jump in. Everyone wanted their photo taken which is fantastic from a photographer’s point of view, especially as our current job consists of mass rejection. Within no time I had 160 images while Hernan had about 220. 

While we were taking endless photos, Indonesians kept coming up to us with bottles of beer, thanking us for coming to their party and taking photos! All the Indonesians were so friendly!
Most of the Indonesians work out the back, meaning they all had to be up at some ridiculous time in the morning. At 01.30 the party had ended and everyone started scattering about to help clean up the place, take down the decorations etc. 

Hernan and I took the opportunity to quickly get some of the free Indonesian food – there wasn’t much left but what we tried was lovely. Spicy but really nice. 

Even after the party had finished Edi and the other guys from Laundry kept bringing us drinks. There were a few laughs at me running around taking photos with a bottle of beer wedged in my jeans waistline. I was starting to feel bad about only knowing Edi and Iguani’s name. The other’s names are so hard to pronounce and some are as long as my arm!
Not only was it Indonesia’s Independence Day but Zoran and Sary’s (singer from Boleros) birthday. Some of the other photographers were sitting down at the far end of Back Deck so I went over to join them. Sandra had given Zoran the present we’d bought earlier on in the day for him (belt, long shorts and a t-shirt) which he loved. The shorts we’d bought him were on the small side so he’d have to get a pair that fit him next time we’re in Palma. 

Fabio was as drunk as usual so there’s nothing new there. There were 12 bottles of beer and Smirnoff Ice on the table for us all. Hernan cracked me open a bottle and there were a couple of “Cheers” mainly for Zoran’s birthday. Hernan and I had a private little "ching-ching" for a job well done. Next we just had to call the organizer again, arrange a time to meet to hand over the digital images and collect our money.
Seeing Sary, I went to join her for a bit. It was the end of the night and I was completely shattered. Sarah was completely smashed and counting down the days until she goes back home to Mexico. It’s going to be sad seeing her leave but as she says, she’s tired and needs the break. She’s quite frankly had enough and promises she won’t be coming back to the ships to work again. It’s now taking its toll on her. I don’t know whether she means on her as a whole or her voice (she’s by far the best singer on the ship).
Calling it a night I headed back to the cabin absolutely drained. It was all well worth it though… as you can see from the blog entry – 4 pages long!! 

One thing is for sure, the Indonesian Independence Day party gave India’s a good run for its money and in my humble opinion came up trumps. All in all it’s going to be one of those nights you’re going to remember for a long time… and I even have the 66th Indonesian Independence Day t-shirt to prove and remember it by! And it’s all thanks to the guys in Laundry.

66th Indonesian Independence Day

Hernan at Work

Some of the guys from Laundry

Iguani (Laundry)

Edi (Laundry)
Happy Birthday Sary!!
Let's not forget about Zoran...

Couple Posing at my Centrum Studio

Happy Birthday Zoran!

Zoran's 28th Birthday

Indian Independence Day

Indian Independence Day
15th August 2011
Our AMP, Ritesh, had been going on about the Indian Independence Day party for weeks and the day has finally arrived. This is supposed to be a huge party on Back Deck… and he was right!!
The night had been slightly complicated and not many people knew what they were doing. At the last minute a studio was erected on Back Deck to take portraits of the crew who attended the party. Camila and Ritesh were taking it in turns to shoot. This wasn’t something that had been put on the schedule. 

Leandro, Hernan and Fabio were all photographing an event in Studio B for the Italians on the ship. This was expected to go on until about 01.30. Alex the new hire was shooting in the Casino – yes, we are obviously desperate for counts! 

Sandra and the rest of the team were hanging around in the gallery waiting for the Italian guests to come out from the party. This was all apparently last minute until we looked at the schedule and saw we’d all had a much longer break during the day than usual. It’d obviously been planned but we hadn’t been told about it until the last minute.
I was doing a crew sale down on the I-95 which is something I look forward to. Tonight wasn’t the case. I’d pointed this out before the crew sale and no one had paid any attention. Due to cruising within the European Union we have to charge tax which depends on our home port. In this case our home port is in Italy and their tax is 20%. For seven weeks we have to include 20% on all prices whether it’s to crew or guests. We have three more weeks of charging tax before we go back to being a tax free haven. The question is, if you were crew, would you buy something with 20% tax when in three weeks you can buy for much less? No, unless you have shit for brains, that is!
I had two cameras to sell on the crew table sale. A blue Canon 100HS and a red Nikon S1600. The price was $175.95 but with the tax it went soaring to $211.14. Notice the slight difference? I managed to sell one camera to an Italian guy. It actually hurt me to ask him to sign the receipt once I saw just how much tax he was paying. $51!!  

 In total I managed to sell one camera, two camera cases and one memory card. Most of the time I sat around (luckily enough I found an old bar stool) with nothing to do. A few members of crew were making snide comments about the prices and tax but, what could I do? In a way, I don’t blame them but at the same time, don’t take it out on me! A couple of the guys from laundry went past and kept me company for a bit.
Sandra came down to help me pack up. She wasn’t surprised by the results. It rankled a bit. My first camera sale was a massive success. Luci was permanently running up and down the stairs with handfuls of receipts. All the cameras except for the one on display got shifted along with endless amounts of memory cards and camera cases. So in comparison, the second camera sale was a major disappointment. It was a stupid time to hold a camera sale.
Back in the office Paco said the guys no longer had to stay in the gallery until silly o’clock in the morning. I was done for the night and left the others closing the gallery. We were all supposed to meet in the corridor and head up to the Indian Independence Day party. 

I must have dozed off because when I woke up Sandra was back in the cabin and speaking to Fede over the phone. A few had congregated in the cabin and were all speaking to Fede over the loud speaker. It was great hearing from him again since he’d got home. Once again I managed to fall asleep. Sandra woke me up at 2am once she’d finished talking to Fede. Quickly changing my clothes we headed up to Back Deck.
The place was going nuts! Half Back Deck was lined with Indian food while the other was choca-blocked with free drinks. All the Indians working on the ship were dancing away in their traditional attire. A couple of crew members were trying to teach Hernan typical Indian dance moves which mainly consisted of waving your hands in the air. He was enjoying himself though and the atmosphere was pumping. There were quite a few non-Indian crew members trying to learn how to dance “Indian Style”. The alcohol was in full flow and everyone was having a great time.
An hour later Sandra and I were ready to leave. We were both shattered after a long day’s work and we had to be up early the next day. Grabbing a couple of free cans of Fanta we headed down to the cabin and were tucked up in bed within 5 minutes flat.
The next morning I found out that the party carried on until 04.30. Normally the latest a party will go on until is 03.30. Would the Indonesian Independence Day Party rival the Indian’s? We’ll see!

martes, 23 de agosto de 2011



14th August 2011

Late last night when we got the schedules Sandra and I saw we weren’t working until the afternoon. Cannes, France was our next port.

Sitting at Back Deck having a drink after work we decided we should make the most of our time off and go to Monaco. Monaco is on the top of my “Places to Go” list so I was up for it. We needed to get up early, pretty much as soon as the ship arrived in Cannes.

Waking up later than we’d planned (08.00) we quickly got dressed and ran up to the Staff Mess for some breakfast. Returning to the cabin to grab the loaded camera bags and drinks we ran into Hernan. He now wanted to come with us. Originally we hadn’t invited him simply because he takes so long to get his arse in gear. Finally we were all ready to go. As we jumped on one of the first tenders, it wasn’t long until it was full and we were on our way.

Camila was doing her own version of free-shooting. It was more paparazzi shooting than anything else. Leandro was bopping around in the dolphin costume with Fabio shooting him. Obviously we had to make a quick stop to have our picture taken with the dolphin.

The train ticket to Monaco wasn’t as expensive as we’d originally thought it was going to be – 12 euros return. Monaco was an hour away. Sandra was getting a few strange looks for doing her make up on the train. Hernan and I were kidding about her trying to look her best in order to find a rich, old man to marry. Next she started plucking her eyebrows - she's definetly looking for a rich man!
Once we arrived, the cameras were out and we were going trigger happy! There was so much to see!! Everywhere you looked there was something to see and plenty of Formula 1 plaques, statues etc.

Walking around and straight away I spotted something that looked familiar. The Monaco Grand Prix pit lane. I was in my element!! We didn’t have long in Monaco so we were rushing around like Chinese tourists.

Sandra wanted to go to Prince Albert’s Palace which was right at the very top. As we were doing the long walk up towards the palace the views of the port and mountains were excellent. Nearing Prince Albert’s Palace was the Aquatic Museum of Monaco (Musée Oceanographique de Monaco). The building was massive with a huge banner at the entrance with a photograph of Prince Albert on his wedding day. Sandra and I wanted to go inside, not only were we dreading how much it’d cost but time was running out fast.

Hernan was complaining we should go back to the train station and he had a point. We carried on speed walking up towards the palace. Monaco was full of tours from different ships: Disney, Princess, MSC and of course our ship, Mariner of the Seas.

While speed walking around we managed to stop off on a couple of occasions for a quick photo. Walking along a narrow street for about five minutes we came to a huge opening. We’d finally made it to the Royal Palace which made Buckingham Palace look like one bedroom council house!!

Checking the time, we really needed to run back to train station as quickly as possible. We were still snapping away while trying to half run half jog to the train station.

Finally arriving at the station, the train wasn’t due to arrive until 13.13. We had a 30 minute wait. Hernan and Sandra were working on setting up the studios at 14.00 - they were already late. The train was due to arrive in Cannes at 14.13, it was a 15 minute walk to the port and then it could be another 20 minutes waiting for the tender to fill up. If you think that’s bad, you’ve then got to queue up and punch your card into the ship’s entry machine and get through security!

While waiting I ran upstairs to have a look in the small souvenir shop. I’d had a quick look in one of the shops in Cannes and the prices were ridiculous. Monaco was special, but there was no way I was paying €5.50 or more for a magnet!! Going inside there were so many magnets that I wanted to take with me. The price tag made your eyes water a little, €4 a go but it was Monaco and a once in a life time opportunity! Paying for a single magnet I ran back down to Sandra and Hernan who were waiting on the platform.

Literally a minute or two later, our train pulled into the station. We spotted a couple of people from the ship who’d spent the day in Monaco. Only difference was, they didn’t have to work that day.

When the train stopped in Cannes we were back to speed walking towards the ship. With the port in view Sandra and Hernan pegged it off to get to the tender. I wasn’t starting until later and carried on speed walking. Getting on the tender I saw Hernan and Sandra – their running to get onto the tender had been for nothing. We waited for about 15 minutes until the tender was full and boy, were the other two late!
Just as I was going into the corridor Hernan and Sandra were flying out of their cabins. Talk about a quick change! I hadn’t even seen them go through security. They both ran up to set up – which they were an hour late for. Checking the schedule I realized that I wasn’t due to work until 15.30. I thought I was working at 15.00. Saved!

Jumping into a cold shower, I got dressed into my day uniform and headed to the lab to get the prints. It was formal night so at 17.30, I had an hour break in which to get into my tuxedo and have something to eat.

Returning to the gallery and it was going to be a night of displaying, condensing and serving Italian guests. I was back to pushing the packages and sold three of The 15s. I even managed to sell a 15 package to an Italian family in my mix of Italian and Spanish. For that, I gave myself a mental pat on the back!!

The night dragged a little bit and the day’s events were starting to catch up on me. I was bloody shattered! Once formal night was over; the gallery closed and all the studios broken down, Sandra and I each took a camera bag and left the others waiting for pizza.

I’d gone up beforehand and was told to come back in 10 minutes. Fabio and Hernan went up after 10 minutes and were told to come back in 20. Every single time we have a problem with getting the pizza in, no matter what time you order it.

Sandra and I headed off into the Crew Mess (or the Zoo, as some people call it). We’d had enough of pizza and the waiting around that came with it so we’d been asking a friend or two to bring us something from the guest’s dining room. We didn’t expect dinner and desert though!!

After work, most of the photographers were heading up to Back Deck for a drink or two. I couldn’t face it, my eye lids were just about staying open. People were commenting on how knackered I looked so I was on a one way ticket to my bed for a couple of hours kip before it was time for gangway!!



On the Train to Monaco


Formula 1 Galore

First Monaco Grand Prix Plaque

Monaco Grand Prix Pit Lane

F1 Circuit


Hernan's Bum Note

Part of Prince Albert's Palace