lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012

Postal Gig

Postal Gig

17th August 2012

Tonight, Hernan and I are meeting up with Fede and heading to a nearby club to watch friends perform in their band, Postal. Earlier on in the day, Hernan introduced me to the drummer of the band, Martín. The gig is due to start at around 1am. Without a doubt, tonight I’m going to be absolutely shattered!

Before heading out, Hernan’s sister and boyfriend were coming over to the family home for dinner and to meet me. Over pizza and empanadas (pies famous in both Argentina and Uruguay) I got to meet the everyone and get to know them better. I’ve spoken to Hernan’s Mom María Cristina numerous times on Facebook but it was great to finally meet her in person. It was unbelievable how lovely and welcoming everyone was towards me. They made you feel like you were part of the family.

Fede popped around shortly after dinner. It’s the first time I’ve been Fede since he left the Mariner of the Seas and resigned from Image Photo Services in June 2011. He hasn’t changed a bit – apart from losing the gangway tan!

It’s my first time out in a long time and obviously, I had no idea what to expect. Walking into the club, Hernan and Fede were spotting friends left, right and centre. All were introduced to me with a constant stream of the traditional kiss on the cheek. It was amazing just how welcome they all made you feel. If an outsider had seen, they’d have thought I was a friend they’d known for years.

The band, Postal kicked off a little after 1am. It wasn’t long until the crowd starting bobbing to the music and a couple were singing along to the parts of the songs they knew. Overall, the band was fantastic and members were all lovely. I’m still amazed by how welcoming everyone in Argentina has been so far.

The last singer to perform was “semi-known”. By the time he arrived on stage the place was heaving. You could hardly move. Girls were going wild at the singer, whose name I cannot remember for the life of me. I’m not the biggest fan of Spanish/Latin music but the last/main performance was absolute crap. The two previous bands performed live, this guy spent most of his time busting dodgy moves like Boris Johnson and singing along to auto-play. Not good! However, everyone, excluding my little self, thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

By the time we got back to Hernan’s, we were both completely shattered. Talk about a long day! Jumping into bed, poor Hernan’s lumbered on a mattress on the floor, it was 5.30am. Like Uruguay, everything in Argentina starts later and finishes in the early hours of the morning. It’s simply a case of: When in Rome…

If you want to see or hear more about Postal Gig, you can visit their Facebook group:

Soon I’ll be uploading photos onto my new Tickle Photography Facebook group too:

Postal (From Postal Oficial)

Postal (From Postal Oficial)




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