sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011

Final Leg

Final Leg

27th October 2011

10:45 (GMT +2) – The main part of the journey is over. We have landed in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I’ve now got to find my way to my next gate for the final leg of the journey. 

Finding your way around Sao Paolo Guarulh airport is a bit slightly confusing. It’s a good job I have a bit of time in hand. Constantly checking the departures board I couldn’t see my flight. Before panicking I grabbed my flight details from my bag to check if there was any information on the terminals. I’d seen signs pointing to terminal 1.

Sure enough, I was in the wrong terminal. Following the badly signed directions towards Terminal 1, I had no idea if I was going in the right direction. No one was around to ask so I just carried on going. What’s the worst that could happen? I’d have to walk back the way I’d come.

Checking the screens again, my flight number popped up. There was a flight to Bogota, Colombia (where Sandra’s from) above mine. At least it’ll be easy to get a flight up to Bogota for the future.

11:30 – I’ve finally found my gate. They are loading the last of the passengers onto a flight to Buenos Aires. By the way, it’s 06.30 here in Brazil.

11.50 – waiting. The flight to Buenos Aires has departed but our plane hasn’t arrived. Hopefully it would't be delayed. There are several wi-fi zones at the airport and none of the have free access and I don’t fancy using my credit card.
Well, I can't help you with the time. I'm completely lost, jet-lagged. Hello Punta del Este, Uruguay! One thing is for sure, it feel great to be back with the parents.

Big question is, what am I going to do with myself for the next 7 weeks??

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