sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012

Small Update From Punta del Este

Small Update from Punta del Este

16th August 2012

It’s been a while, well, months since my last blog. Not a huge amount has been happening in Uruguay. In fact, as it’s winter in the Southern Hemisphere and Punta del Este is a summer resort/town, the place has been a ghost town! The weather has been vile too, but you’ve got to love the almighty thunderstorms!

My hand has been operated on, movement is much easier and the scar is nothing more than a thin pink-red line. I’m still waiting to go back to work, even if it is just to finish off a contract so I can keep the “Cruise Ship Door” open. Whether I’ll be able to continue working on cruise ships for much longer is questionable. The surgeon isn’t too impressed about me returning to work after having surgery for Carpal Tunnel, at the age of 25. The chances of it returning due to my job are relatively high. Already, I’m showing symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in my left and may need it operating on in the near future – something I’m determined to put off for as long as possible. So, for a while, I may take a break from working on cruise ships to explore “land life” some more. Like I said before, it’s important for me to keep all options open, both on land and at sea. You never know what is going to happen!

Mom is on the mend, her chemotherapy is over and she’ll soon start on a course of radio to zap whatever is left of the tumour. Hopefully by the time I return to ships, she’ll be well on the way to being in remission. Needless to say and selfishly, it’ll be a huge weight off my shoulders as I felt incredibly guilty for not being at home to help the parents out during the rough times. In a way, it seemed wrong to be out, traveling and enjoying myself. Bizarre! If she’s in remission before I go back to ships, it’ll be one hell of a party after a year and a half of being ill and a year of non-stop treatment and trips to the hospital.

The future’s looking bright!

Mama's New Hat and Hair from Nassau


Mummy and Daddy Tickle

Winter and Bloody Cold!

Mama finally let me shave her hair off! Looking better now!

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