domingo, 17 de julio de 2011

Ciao Napoli

Ciao Napoli
10th July 2011
We were given an incentive during formal night. Whoever got the highest couple and table image count would get the day off in Naples. Checking the schedule, David, Zoran and I didn’t have work until 17.30! Zoran got the highest couple (studio) image count with me in second place. David got the highest table (ressi) count.
It was our last stop in Naples so David and I were determined to get off the ship (a must after two sea days) and have a wander around. During Hernan’s cabin party, more and more people were planning to tag along with us. There was going to be a nice little group of us going out and about.
Meeting up in the photographer’s corridor Camila, David, Whitney and Ashley, both from Spa, and I headed out into Naples. Luci was off to see if the post office was open which we seriously doubted after finding out it was Sunday. Fede and Sandra who were supposed to meet us had disappeared but we knew we’d probably bump into them at some point.
Armed with our cameras, we had a wander around and headed up to the fort near the port. We were hoping to go inside but unfortunately it was a "no". The place was closed! 

The idea of jumping on an open-top tour bus popped into someone’s head. It would’ve been a laugh but instead there were a few hungry people so we carried on walking. 

We were all snapping away on our cameras. Looking back at some of the photos, the Italian’s must have thought we should’ve been locked up! David was the main culprit of this but laying on the floor next to his star sign and climbing onto plinths and posing like a centurion. Maybe prancing around in the gallery last night as a Centurion has gone to his head?
Time was getting on and Whitney had to be back for two so we decided to head over to Antonio’s for pizza. Antonio’s is a favourite for crew, the owner (Antonio) previously worked on cruise ships. His restaurant walls feature numerous photos of different cruise ships, all are signed by the crew members. The atmosphere is excellent, the prices are a little higher than normal but the food is brilliant. The place was absolutely packed! Today there were four ships in Naples port compared to the usual two.
Luci, Fede and Sandra were already at Antonio’s. After having something to eat Camila and Luci went off in the opposite direction to use the internet. Whitney and Ashley headed off to the ship to get ready for work. It was just me, Sandra, Fede, David and Fede’s baby… the Canon 5D Mark II! A beast of a camera!! David vowed to save all his money to buy the camera… I’ll believe it when I see it!
After paying Antonio we gathered up our bits and pieces and headed off into Naples again. This time we went in the opposite direction to normal to see what else we could find. The answer, not a lot as it was a Sunday so everything was closed. Either way we were having a laugh walking around, taking photos and occasionally bumping into other crew members. 

With the sun beating down on us, Fede was determined to get an ice cream from somewhere and was whining like a small child until he got it! At one point we thought we’d found Naples’ Stadium. David was in his element until our great discovery turned out to be a shopping centre!
Things got even worse for David! Walking down the main shopping street he spotted a Foot Locker. David is able to sniff out a Foot Locker in any country!! Opposite was a sport shop selling about five pairs of trainers he wanted to buy. Unlucky for him, yet luckily for his wallet, both shops were closed. It was our last time in Naples and a Sunday… no shopping. With a mock crying David dragging his heels behind us, we decided it was time to head back to the ship. Fede had to be in the lab to print and it wouldn’t be long until the rest of us had to get ready for work.
With an hour and a half before my first stint in the gallery, and 30 minutes before guest’s all on board, I was tucked up in bed for a snooze. It’s a hard life… but someone’s got to do it!

Today was quite possibly our last in Naples as we are soon moving onto "Italian Season". Who knows? We could be back sometime whether it’s on another cruise ship, change of itinerary or on our own accord. 

Until then, Ciao Napoli! 
David, Whitney, Ashley & Camila
Camila (Brazil)

David being... The Dave!

Naples Fort

The Dave!

South African Whitney (Spa Girl)

Galleria Umberto, Naples (Italy)

Galleria Umberto, Naples

The South Africans - David, Whitney and Ashleigh

Bum Wash!
David at Antonio's Pizzeria


Me - Lou

Sandra at Antonio's Pizzeria, Naples, Italy

David's Maserati...

Fede and Sandra


Alley Pimp Dave

Walkabouts in Naples (Italy)


The Dave

Looking Around Naples - David Window Shopping on a Sunday

Last Naples - Everything Closed

David Found a Foot Locker... and it's Closed!

New Outfit

Large, Little, Large - David, Me & Fede

David, Sandra and Fede
 Fede Finally got his Ice Cream :-p 

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